Newsletter - T1 W4 - 28/02/2025
From the Principal
Swimming Carnival
Last Thursday we ran our annual Swimming Carnival and were blessed with great weather and strong attendance. Students had a great time and were able to build connections with their peers and staff outside the boundaries of the classroom. These community-building events are so important to the culture of the College. A sincere thank you to all the students who attended and I hope that the students who were absent will be able to enjoy the next event as one community. Thank you to Mr Craig Beare for all his work in organising the carnival.
School Annual Improvement Plan
Below is a graphic outlining the key priorities for St Mary’s in 2025. There are four domains
- Enlivened Catholic Identity
- Thriving Learners
- Engaged Communities
- Sustainable Futures

It is always important to set priorities and goals to give direction, as Pope Francis said “We must not stumble upon tomorrow, we must build it, and we all have the responsibility to do so in a way that responds to the project of God, which is none other than the happiness of humankind, the centrality of humankind, without excluding anyone.”
Ash Wednesday
Next Wednesday, 5 March 2025 there will be no meat products available to purchase in the College Canteen. Please see Flexischools for an updated list of what will be available to purchase on the day.
Have a fantastic Weekend
Michael Campbell

Upcoming Dates
Week 5
Wednesday 05/03/25 - Ash Wednesday Liturgy, 9:00 am - St Mary's Parish Church
Thursday 06/03/25- Diocesan Swimming Carnival - Lismore Memorial Baths
Week 6
Monday 10/03/25- White Card Training - SMCC
Wednesday 12/03/25- NAPLAN Begins for Years 7 & 9 - SMCC
Friday 14/03/25- School Photo Day - SMCC
Parish Mass Times
Weekend Mass
Saturday 6.00pm
Sunday 8.00am
Monday 9.00am
Tuesday 8.00am
Ash Wednesday 8.00am & 6.00pm
Thursday 9.00am
Friday 9.00am
Saturday 9.00am
Wednesday 5.00pm
Following 9.00am Mass Saturday
Saturday 8.30am - 9.00am
Anointing of the sick
First Saturday of each month
Country Mass
Sunday, 9 March
Tabulam 10.30am
Mission Team
Welcome Back!
What a wonderful week we have had! Our College Swimming Carnival was a raging success and our community spirit was clearly on display! Congratulations to Champagnat House for taking out the shield on the day!
In our scripture this weekend, St Paul says “be firm, steadfast, always fully devoted” (1Cor 15:58). This scripture reminds you to stay strong, consistent, and dedicated in everything you do—whether it's in school, friendships, or personal growth. It’s like saying, "Keep going, even when things get tough, and stay focused on what’s important!" I feel this is important for our young people to remember that when challenges appear, one can always take the next step, make the next choice, and simply keep moving forward.
The Risks and Realities of AI Abuse
As advancements in generated artificial intelligence (Gen AI) continue to shape the digital landscape, it is crucial to be aware of how this technology can be misused, especially within the context of online safety for our young people. AI-generated content, including fake images and videos, is becoming increasingly realistic and accessible, posing new challenges for schools, families, and communities.
What is Gen AI Abuse? It refers to using Gen AI technology to create, alter, or distribute content that can harm individuals. Examples include:
- Deepfakes: Manipulated videos or images that appear authentic but are entirely fabricated.
- Gen AI Explicit Content: Realistic but fake images created without consent.
- Identity Manipulation: Using Gen AI tools to impersonate someone online.
The Impact on Young People: AI abuse can target young people and staff, leading to severe emotional distress, reputational harm, and legal consequences. For students, the ability to create or share such content may feel like a joke, but the repercussions are far-reaching and long-lasting.
Our School’s Stance: We uphold the values of respect, integrity, and dignity within our Catholic community. The creation or sharing of Gen AI content that harms others is strictly prohibited and will result in serious consequences.
How Parents Can Respond:
- Stay Informed: Learn about AI tools and their potential for misuse. Discuss these risks openly with your young person.
- Encourage Empathy: Help your young person understand the human impact of their online actions, emphasising kindness and respect.
- Promote Accountability: Teach your young person to think critically about the content they create or share and its potential consequences.
- Support Reporting: Encourage your young person to report inappropriate or harmful content, whether they witness or experience it.
Conversation Starters for Parents:
‘Have you come across Gen AI content, like deepfakes or altered images? How do you think they could be used positively or negatively?’
‘Do you think there are ways we can make certain what we are seeing online is real?
‘How can we ensure that the technology we use is helping, not hurting, others?’
‘What would you do if you saw someone sharing fake or harmful content about someone else?’
By working together, we can equip our young people with the knowledge and values to navigate these emerging challenges responsibly. Let us reaffirm our commitment to fostering a safe, respectful, and faith-filled community for everyone.
Clare Axman
Assistant Principal - Mission
Eight Year 7 students, together with Mr Dwyer and two Year 10 students, will be heading to Transitus on March 25-26 at Tyalgum. St. Mary’s students will join with other Year 7 students from the northern half of the Diocese where they will participate in large and small group activities to grow and be supported in their Christian faith.
We can’t wait to hear about their experience when they return.
A number of Stage 6 students are preparing to attend the LEAD Conference on Thursday, 20 to Friday, 21 March 2025 at McAuley Catholic College, Grafton.
Returning from LEAD, these students will be encouraged to meet regularly to support each other and to facilitate Youth Ministry initiatives within their own school communities and at regional events such as SHINE.
We look forward to hearing from the student attendees when they return.
Lenten Appeal
Lent is important to all Catholics as it is a time of preparation and reflection. A time to look at what is really important in our lives. A time when we actively question our values and what we stand for. A time to consider our greater purpose in life.
This year, our lenten season will include:
- Caritas support in our homerooms
- FriYay activities
- Easter raffle at the end of the term
- Financial donations to support the work of Caritas Australia.
Kate Rowlands
Leader of School Evangelisation
Learning & Teaching Team
In my last newsletter I wrote about our compressed curriculum and the impact this has on our academic year. In this newsletter, I would like to go over the concept of Transition Week and what it means for the College.
What is Transition Week?
Transition week is the week that the College - teachers and students - take at the end of our academic year.
This time is used to finalise the marks and reports for the academic year and then work with students to mentally prepare them to start the next year.
When is Transition Week?
Transition Week is Term 4, Week 5.
This year those dates are Monday, 10 November - Friday, 14 November.
What happens during this time?
On Monday and Tuesday of that week, the College has student free days as teachers mark exams, write reports, prepare lessons for the new year and get classrooms ready.
Wednesday-Friday contains a number of different activities:
Students in Years 7-9 undergo Learning and Teaching discussions with their parents. All students will complete a reflection sheet before their exams and then parents make an interview time to discuss student progression and learning goals. This is a time of reflection and goal setting, getting students to mentally prepare to start a brand new school year the very next week.
Students in Year 10 come in to complete some leadership training as they prepare to begin Stage 6 study. They also complete the NESA required All My Own Work on plagiarism and the use of AI.
There is also the senior retreat for Year 10 and 11 students that occurs during that week.
How can you be involved in this week?
Students are given their reflection sheet to take home and fill in with parents.
Parents are asked to help their child form their learning goal and then work with the student and the College to find ways to assist students in achieving this goal.
The College has found that this week is an excellent way for our students to mentally make the transition between one academic year and the next. The Learning and Teaching discussions have been well received by parents, students and staff.
We look forward to continuing this tradition with our new Year 7 cohort at the end of this academic year.
Next Week: Integrity Awards
Nadine Connolly
Assistant Principal - Learning and Teaching
From the Literacy Coach
NAPLAN 2025 Parent and Carer Information
Each year the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is undertaken by students in Years 7 and 9. Students will participate in tests for writing, reading, conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy.
NAPLAN 2025 will take place from Wednesday, 12 March to Wednesday, 19 March 2025.
In preparation for NAPLAN, our College will undertake activities to help students become familiar with the format and functionality of the online tests. Excessive preparation for NAPLAN is not required nor recommended.
Further information will be published on Compass.
If you have any questions about NAPLAN, please contact the College.
Kind Regards
Ashleigh Bailey
Literacy Coach
From the Leader of Learning - Science
Last week in Science, students participated in a “pluck” demonstration, which involves examining the structure and function of the respiratory system (trachea-bronchi-lungs) and other organs (heart-kidneys).
The College’s Year 8 classes participated in this activity as an extension of their work in the unit “Plants and Animals” in which vital organ systems are examined. Students observed the lungs being mechanically inflated to demonstrate function, and were intrigued to see this vital bodily organ in action. Mr Dell and Mr Sekulic are shown conducting the demonstration (photo) with their respective Year 8 classes.
Senior students conducting the Biology Preliminary HSC course also participated in this activity, to gain further insight into macroscopic structures in the respiratory system. Students then observed a dissection of lung tissue to examine the branching of bronchioles, under the guidance of Ms Adams.
Thank you to The Casino Food Co-Op for kindly providing the cow specimen for our classes to use.
Alison Adams
Leader of Science

Sports News
The Swimming Carnival was held last Thursday, 20 February congratulations to Champagnat House on winning the overall carnival.
The cloud cover during the day kept the temperature at a respectable 28 degrees; However, the action in the pool was electric. From the opening march to the concluding teacher and student house relay, participation was significantly higher than in previous years, and the pool was filled with smiles. Congratulations to our age champions, and we extend our best wishes to those competing at the Diocesan Swimming Carnival next Thursday, 6 March 2025.
Final Points: | |
Champagnat | 986 Points |
McAuley | 783 Points |
MacKillop | 707 Points |
De Paul | 645 Points |
Age Champions | Girls | Boys |
12 Years | Marley Botfield | Benjamin Urand |
13 Years | Charlotte Hogg | Toby Makejev |
14 Years | Emma Green | Jed Handford |
15 Years | Harper Myers | Xavier Opryszko |
16 Years | Sarah Green | James Rowlands |
17+ Years | Belle Wall | William Keen |

Congratulations to the following students who have made the North Country CCC Rugby League Trials at South West Rocks on April 1-2 (Week 9).
Open Boys- Max Hale & Rory McInnes
Open Girls- Elle Hannigan
U15 Boys- Corey Love
U16 Girls- Lila Standfield, Sienna Thomas & Brienna Parker (pictured below).

"Coaches provided very positive feedback on the day, noting that those not selected were exceptionally close to nomination. Well done to all participants.
Congratulations and Good Luck to the following students who were selected for the U15 & Open Boys and Girls Individual Touch Football trials in Toormina, being held on Tuesday, 4 March (Week 5).
Open Boys- Finbar Standfield
U15 Girls- Lila Standfield
U15 Boys- Ethan Miller
Congratulations to Brody Hoare who has successfully made the Open Boys Diocesan Football Team, trials were held in Coffs Harbour on Tuesday, 25 February.
Sports Calendars for 2025
Information about all upcoming sports in the College, Diocese and Catholic Schools NSW can be found on the below sports calendars. Please note some of these dates may change from time to time.
Click on each one for the link:
St Mary’s Catholic College
Dio Sports Calendar
Catholic Schools NSW Sports Calendar
To check upcoming CCC events and registrations - Catholic Sport NSW
Sport Search (½ way down page) → Step 1 (click on CCC) → Step 2 (select sport). Registration & Calendar is also there. CCC is a pathway and option for students to make a direct application to trial for a particular sport. The standard is usually high, depending on the Sport, and therefore representative level is usually but not always the minimum requirement.
Below are some Sports (check the website for a list of all sports available, application closing dates, and further event details.)
- CCC Golf - Tuncurry - 3/3/25
- CCC Baseball moved to - 4/3/25
- CCC Volleyball - 28/3/25
- CCC Rugby Union - 8-9/4/25
- CCC Basketball 16's Boys & Girls - Sutherland - 13/5/25
- CCC Basketball 18's Boys & Girls - Sutherland - 14/5/25
- CCC Netball 15's - Penrith - 29/5/25
- CCC Netball 18's - Penrith - 30/5/25
- CCC Basketball Opens Championship - 17-18/6/25
- CCC 16 & Opens Basketball Trials - 19/6/25
Craig Beare
Sports Coordinator
We are looking for volunteers to assist in the Canteen. Please contact the Canteen via the College office if you are available at any time to help.
Flexischools is a well-established organisation allowing you to easily place all your canteen orders online at any time.
Download the Flexischools app from the App store or Google Play. Click here for details on how to set up your account.
Once registered, you can start placing orders immediately.
There is a charge of $0.29 per order for using this service.
If you have any questions, please contact the Flexischools Customer Service Team via their website contact page.
The normal process of ordering from the canteen (cash, eftpos, morning lunch orders) is still available.

Uniform Shop
Uniform Shop Opening Hours
Tuesdays 3.15pm to 4.15pm
Thursdays 3.15pm to 4.15pm
The Uniform Shop service is a cashless service. Methods of payment are by EFTPOS or online ordering via Flexischools. No fees are charged to families for using the Flexischools service.
Please note the following information for orders made via this service:
Tuesday Orders
- Cut off time is 12 noon on Monday
- Pick up available from the College office on Tuesday afternoon from 3.30pm - 4.00pm
Thursday Orders
- Cut off time is 12 noon on Wednesday
- Pick up available from the College office on Thursday afternoon from 3.30pm - 4.00pm.
Orders not collected will be given to the student to take home.
Whilst all care will be taken to ensure that stock availability is correct at the time of ordering, there may be some items that are not in stock at the time of packing the online orders. In this case, you will be contacted to advise of an estimated time of arrival for new stock of that item or given the option of a refund processed through Flexischools.
All uniform shop order enquiries can be emailed to:
Second Hand Uniforms
Sustainable School Shop is an online shop dedicated to buying and selling of second hand uniforms. For more information ring 1300 683 337 or visit
Please note that this facility is available for use with the new College uniforms only.