Newsletter - T1 W3 - 16/02/24
From the Principal
Welcome back to the 2024 calendar year, in particular, our new Year 7 students and their families. It has been a very busy, productive start to the year. All students have settled in well and there is a very positive atmosphere throughout the College.
I would like to acknowledge and congratulate all of our students in Year 11 and 12 who sat their HSC last year. St Mary’s students attained fantastic results with one student earning the highest ATAR of all the Systemic Catholic High Schools aligned with the Diocese of Lismore Catholic Schools Office. We recently welcomed back our high achievers at a full school assembly to formally acknowledge and celebrate their efforts.
We have also welcomed 2 staff members into the St Mary’s community.
Mitchell Dell: Mitchell comes to us from Kyogle High School and teaches Junior Science, Physics and Chemistry.
Georgia Callaghan: Georgia has come to St Mary’s from Trinity and is qualified to teach Mathematics and PDHPE.
Both Mitchell and Georgia are making very positive contributions to the College community.
Procedure for Parent Concerns
Below is some information regarding the process to bring concerns or issues to our attention. For efficiency, it is important the right person is engaged to resolve matters quickly. Below is some information on the steps involved.
St Mary’s Catholic College prides itself on facilitating welcoming and respectful relationships. Integral to these relationships are:
A sense of family
A sense of partnership
A sense of transparency
And a deep belief when the home and College are working cooperatively the student benefits from the College’s wellbeing systems.
- Clarify the issue with your child before raising it with the College.
- Speak with the person who can most directly address your concern first (the specific teacher).
- If the process does not produce a satisfactory outcome, you can pursue other avenues as modelled below: The Head of House or Leader of Learning will refer the matter to the Assistant Principal-Mission or Assistant Principal-Learning and Teaching if required.
St Mary’s Catholic College Traffic Management Plan
St Mary’s Catholic College acknowledges the complexity around traffic flow - both pedestrian and vehicular - within and immediately outside the St Mary’s College Precinct. The complexity poses a potential risk, particularly to pedestrians, and the reduction of that risk demands cooperation from staff, students, parents, visitors to the College, and external service providers.
It is imperative, therefore, that the following directions be observed:
- No private vehicles should ‘double-park’ or stand on Canterbury Street to drop, collect or wait for students;
- No private vehicles should ‘double-park’ or stand on Canterbury Street for the purpose of business exchange at the College;
- All vehicles must be parked in designated parking areas on Canterbury Street and West Street if they are conducting any business at the College;
- Drivers need to drop-off and/or pick up students in the pick-up and drop off zone north of the West Street Bus Bay.
For ease of movement and the safety of all involved the following parking directions are to be observed:
- Staff and Visitor parking is available at the front office, and in front of the College in Canterbury Street.
- Student parking is available on West Street.
Pedestrians should be alert to the possibility of vehicles at all times. Students are to use pathways wherever they are available. Students crossing Canterbury Street or Centre Street must use the pedestrian crossings on these roads
Michael Campbell
From the College Business Manager
Term 1 Tuition fees will be processed next week and will be available in the compass portal. A fee statement will be emailed to families during the first week in March. It will include Term One Tuition Fees and Building Levy plus other Levies and Elective Fees. Statements will include individual BPAY details which is our preferred method of payment.
Term 1 fees are due and payable by Saturday, 30 March 2024 unless paying by regular instalments or an arrangement has been made. A full fee schedule will be included in the next news letter.
Thank you to all our families for your continued support.
Leanne Cummins
College Business Manager
Upcoming Dates
Week 4
Thursday 22/2/24 - University Road Show
Thursday 22/2/24 - Fuse Cup
Parish Mass Times
Weekend Mass
Saturday 6.00pm
Sunday 8.00am
Monday 9.00am
Tuesday 8.00am
Wednesday 8.00am
Thursday 9.00 am
Friday 9.00 am
Saturday 9.00am
Following 9.00 am Mass Saturday
Saturday 8.30am - 9.00am
Country Mass
Sunday 25/2/24 - 10.30am Mallanganee
Mission Team
Welcome back! We're delighted to see our students returning to the College, embracing new changes, and settling into the rhythm of the school year.
Pope Francis's wisdom asks us to embrace this sacred season as a reminder of God's love for us. Lent calls us on a journey of conversion and salvation. Lent offers us an opportunity to confront our own struggles and temptations with the strength of our faith. It is time to pause and reflect. To reflect in prayer, in order to receive the Word of God. Prayer, charity, and fasting are not three unrelated acts, but a single movement of openness to help us connect to God, each other, and ourselves.
Clare Axman
Assistant Principal - Mission
Commencement Mass
This week we were fortunate to be able to gather in our parish Church as a whole College community to celebrate the start of the year. We would like to thank Fr Peter for celebrating this with us.
Ash Wednesday
The College gathered together to commemorate the sacred Ash Wednesday liturgy this week. For some of our students and families, it was the first time they joined in this celebration. It is a great collective event where all students participate.
Project Compassion
Once again this year, as we move through Lent we are embarking on our Project Compassion campaign. This year we are asking students to offer $1 a week until Easter to contribute to the needs of our global Catholic community. Collection boxes will be in homerooms on Tuesday through to Friday right up to Easter.
Class Masses
In 2024, we are able to return to our pre-covid tradition of attending Parish Mass each week. Our year 7 & 8 classes will attend Mass once a term on a Friday, and our year 9 & 10 classes will attend once a Term on a Thursday. This is a great opportunity to join with our community. All families are welcome and encouraged to join us at Parish Mass at 9am on Thursdays and Fridays.
Kate Rowlands
Leader of School Evangelisation
NSW School Vaccination Program
In 2024 the following vaccines will be offered:
If your child is in Year 7 or Year 10 this year, you can now provide online consent for their routine school vaccinations.
In Year 7, students are offered free vaccines for diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (dTpa) and human papillomavirus (HPV). In Year 10, students are offered the meningococcal ACWY vaccine.
Vaccination will only be provided at school if consent has been received.
How to provide consent:
- To complete online consent for your child's school vaccinations, please click here.
- Follow the steps to log in to your existing ServiceNSW account. This is the same account you may already use to renew your driver's licence. if you don't have a ServiceNSW account, refer to ServiceNSW to create one.
- Update or confirm your personal details in ServiceNSW as required.
Complete the School Vaccination Consent Form for your child/ren. You will need to:
a) Enter your child's personal details
b) Provide the Medicare card details for you and your child
c) Read the linked Parent Information Sheet and privacy statement. Translations available
in 27 languages
d) Provide consent: If you or your child do not have a Medicare card, consent can still be provided by requesting a paper- based consent form directly from your child's school.
The benefits of providing consent online:
- easily update your child's details
- receive SMS and/or email notifications when vaccinations are given
- faster upload of vaccination records to the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR).
For more information on routine school vaccinations, please visit
If you require information in your language, please visit
Term 1 – Friday, 8 March 2024
- All Year 10 Students - Nimenrix (Meningococcal ACWY) 1 dose only
- Catch up Year 11 Students - Nimenrix (Meningococcal ACWY) (if we have a consent form signed while they are in Year 10)
Term 2- Tuesday , 4 June 2024
All Year 7 Students
- Gardasil (HPV) 1 Dose Only
- Boostrix (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis-whooping cough) 1 dose only
- Catch up Year 8 if required
Term 3 - Tuesday 27 August 2024 - Catch up - Year 7 if required (late forms, absentees)
- Catch up - Year 8 if required
- Catch up - Year 10 & 11 students Nimenrix (if required (late forms, absentees)
Students are expected to have above a 95% school attendance rate because days missed can add up to years lost. That’s why making sure your child comes to school every single day (unless genuinely sick) is important.
Maintaining a school attendance rate, ideally above 95%, is crucial for a student’s academic success and overall development. Here are several reasons why consistent school attendance is important:
- Continuous Learning. Regular attendance ensures that students are consistently exposed to new information and lessons. This continuity is essential for effective learning, as concepts build upon each other over time.
- Development of Learning Skills. School attendance is not only about acquiring knowledge but also about developing essential learning skills. These skills, including critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration, are honed through active participation in the learning process.
- Establishment of Routine. Consistent attendance helps students establish a routine, promoting organisational skills and time management. These skills are transferable to various aspects of life and contribute to overall success.
Please note that if your child suffers a concussion outside of school hours (e.g. while participating in sport) it is reccommended to advise the College.
RealTalk Australia
All parents and staff can now access a comprehensive online resource created by RealTalk Australia that provides access to a collection of resources to support parents, caregivers and teachers in exploring a diverse range of topics including:
- Puberty and personal development and identity
- Online Safety
- Friendships
- Consent and respectful relationships
- Impacts of Pornography.
The online portal provides a range of resources suitable for parents and teachers of both primary and secondary school students.
Michele McCaffery
Leader of Pastoral Care
Road Safety is a Back to School Essential Conversation
As students return to school, it is important to keep safety in mind. Talk with your young person
about safely getting to and from school.
- Keep your young person safe by expecting that they will always use the door closest to
the kerb to enter and exit a car. - Keep your young person safe by expecting they will take off their headphones while
walking. - Keep your young person safe by expecting that they will be a positive role model for
younger students while travelling to and from school on the bus. - Keep your young person safe by expecting they will wear a properly fitted bike helmet
when travelling using wheels - bike, scooter and skateboard. - Student drivers must follow government rules , school expectations/ procedures and
drive safely and responsibly. This includes only approved passengers being transported in
the car with a student driver.
Teach your young person never to sacrifice safety for convenience, source:
Learning & Teaching Team
High Achievers Assembly
On Wednesday, 7 February 2024 we held a special College assembly to congratulate our 2023 HSC high and distinguished achievers and to award our 2023 Dux prize.
We were excited to see 5 of our former students return to celebrate with us and to have the College community congratulate them on their HSC success. I would like to take this opportunity to again congratulate the following students on their successes in 2023:
Nicholas Carey - Distinguished Achievement in Ancient History, Maths Advanced, Studies of Religion 2, English Advanced and Modern History
Carri Dawson - High Achievement in PDHPE, Studies of Religion 1, Hospitality, Biology, English Standard and Maths Standard 2
Charlotte Day - High Achievement in Biology, Maths Standard 2, PDHPE, English Standard and Studies of Religion 2
Emily Dolmen - High Achievement in Legal Studies, Maths Advanced, English Standard, Modern History and Studies of Religion 2
Jack Hannigan - High Achievement in Maths Advanced, PDHPE, Engineering and English Standard and a Distinguished Achievement in Studies of Religion 2.
Tahlia Richards - High Achievement in Biology, English Standard, Biology, Primary Industries, Agriculture, Studies of Religion 1 and Distinguished Achievement in Maths Standard 2
Carlee Thomas - High Achievement in Legal Studies, Maths Advanced, PDHPE, Biology, English Standard and Studies of Religion 1.
Tom Wyatt - High Achievement in PDHPE, Business Studies, English Standard and Studies of Religion 2 and a Distinguished Achievement in Maths Standard 2
A special congratulations goes to our 2023 Dux, Nicholas Carey. Nick achieved an ATAR of 99.55 - the highest ATAR in Lismore Diocesan schools for 2023 and the highest ATAR that the College has ever received.
We wish all of these students well in their future endeavours and we are proud to be given the opportunity to have seen them accomplish at such high levels.
Classroom Pedagogy and Learning Profiles
Those parents and students who attended our learning and teaching discussions at the end of our academic year last year, were given a copy of their student’s learning profile.
This profile outlines the standardised testing that students have been involved in, it goes through what the tests show us about their skill levels and highlights where students need to aim to improve in 2024.
At the beginning of the year, all Year 8, 9 and 10 students received a copy of their learning profile and have placed it in their student planner.
This week staff began the process of working collaboratively with these learning profiles to focus pedagogy in the areas needed for improvement for each student.
Over the coming weeks, students will begin to see learning questions going up in their classrooms, their teachers will be specifically referencing their learning profiles and focusing on agreed upon areas. Students will begin the journey of focusing on their own learning needs and seeking support around the areas needed for improvement and they will become more adept at using various methods to seek assistance on their learning and skills growth.
We will be highlighting this work in a parent open day at the College later on in the term. More information on this will be in the next newsletter.
Nadine Connolly
Assistant Principal - Learning and Teaching
Students on SBATs, regular work experience and EVET (TAFE)
In order to better manage student attendance, Custom Classes have been created on Compass to reflect that your child is either absent due to their school based apprenticeship/traineeship, regular work experience or because they are undertaking an EVET (TAFE) course.
You will see OSET (Off Site Education & Training) appear on your child’s timetable on their relevant days.
If your child is attending their set days as normal, there is nothing you need to do. If your child is sick on one of their OSET days, please contact the College to advise us of this.
If you have any queries, please feel free to contact me.
University Roadshow
All students in Years 11 & 12 will participate in the University Roadshow next Thursday, 22 February 2024 in periods 5 & 6. Check out the details in Events on your Compass app or portal. This will be a great opportunity for your child to get an insight into study after school - even if they currently believe that Uni or TAFE is not in their immediate future, it’s still great for them to learn what’s out there once they finish up their secondary schooling. Don’t forget to give consent for this free event!
Richmond Valley Council Youth Engagement
Our local council is looking for young people in our local community to help organise a music event. Please see the flyer from RVC and scan the QR code to provide your feedback and potentially help to create this music event!
Michelle Went
Careers Advisor
Homework Centre
St Mary's Catholic College runs a FREE Homework Centre four afternoons a week (Monday-Thursday). The Homework Centre runs from 3.10pm - 4.30pm. There is a Maths teacher available for support on a Monday afternoon. There is Teacher Aide support available for assessment tasks, study or general support with unfinished class work. Please encourage your child to access this opportunity to support their learning. If you need any more information please phone the College.
Alicia Nowlan
Leader of Inclusion and Diversity
This Term in the Library
Another busy start to the year!
Year 7 students have all had their introduction to the Library space. They have explored the library website, understood how to search for Library resources, borrow ebooks from SORA and access Clickview to support learning. To support reading for leisure, our fiction books have been catalogued into genres. During the Year 7 Library time, students completed a quiz, “What genre are you” and began to explore books in a genre they enjoy reading. Most students have now borrowed a book from the Library. It is lovely to support their reading. Reading is essential for life-long learning.
This week is Library Lovers Week. We have been running Blind Date with a Book, where students borrow a wrapped book based on its brief description on the wrapping. Some students find that when they borrow books in genres they have not read before, they really enjoy them and it provides an opportunity to broaden the types of books students choose to read. This Friday, students will have the option to create their own bookmarks for their books at lunchtime.
Finally, just around the corner, commencing in Week 5 is the Premiers Reading Challenge. Students nominate and set themselves a challenge of reading 20 books in 20 weeks. Students who complete the challenge, receive a certificate signed by the Premier of NSW.
I will be seeking nominations next week. If your son/daughter is a reader, please encourage them to have a go at this challenge.
Bev Champion
Leader of Library and Resources
Sports News
Newsflash - Champagnat are the champion house from yesterday's SMCC swimming carnival!
Welcome back to all new and existing families. 2024 is shaping up to be a fantastic year for sport at SMCC. We had our College Swimming Carnival yesterday back at the Casino Pool, photos and a full report will be in the next newsletter.
In other sport news, several students have been given a nomination form to apply for individual diocesan trials for open boys and girls Soccer as well as opens, U15 and U18 boys and U16 and open girls Rugby League. These trials will be held on Thursday, 7 March in Lismore. Before that though, our SMCC swimmers will attend the Diocesan Swimming Carnival in Port Macquarie. Good luck to all those attending.
Upcoming SMCC team events for Term 1 include:
- All ages Diocesan Swimming Carnival- 07/03/2024 - Port Macquarie
- Opens and Juniors Diocesan Tennis - 12/03/2024 - Tweed Heads
- Opens Boys and Girls Basketball - 14/03/2024 - Coffs Harbour
- Opens Boys and Girls Soccer -27/03/2024 - Woodlawn
- SMCC Cross Country- Week 10, Thursday 04/04/24 - (Course TBC)
- U14, 16 & 18 Girls Rugby League -11/04/2024 - Casino
Messages in the daily bulletin and emails will be sent out in the lead up to these and future events inviting interested students to attend meetings and then scheduled lunchtime training sessions where applicable.
2023 Sportsperson of the Year Awards
At the conclusion of 2023 the annual school celebration evening was held. Aside from the academic awards, five students were awarded Outstanding Sportperson of the Year for their contribution to SMCC Sport throughout the year.
Pictured above from left to right are:
Junior Female Sportsperson Emma Green.
Junior Male Sportsperson Hayden Griffin.
Intermediate Male Sportsperson Angus Lawler.
Intermediate Female Sportsperson Elle Hannigan.
* Not pictured was Kali Ainsworth who was the outstanding Senior Sportperson for 2023.
St Mary’s Catholic College is proud of the achievements students often make outside of the classroom. A significant number of students represent our College across a number of sports either at Diocesan or State level. Congratulations to all!
Weekly School Sport Term 1 2024
Weekly school sport for 2024 will remain using the same structure as sport in 2023. Thursday sport will consist of stage 4 students having sport in the morning during periods 1 and 2, whilst stage 5 students will have sport in the afternoons during periods 5 and 6.
Please see the details below regarding the sports available for each year group:
Year 7
Students will rotate through a range of scheduled activities as they transition into Sport at high school. This will include Cricket, Lawn bowls ($2), Touch Football and Speed Soccer. A detailed timetable is below.
Year 7 Sport Timetable
During Term 1, Year 7 students will participate in a variety of sports catering to different levels of physical activity. Each class will have opportunities at each of the four sports as detailed below.
There is a small cost for Lawn Bowls ($2). All other sports are free. Students are expected to have their money on the days where they are participating in paid sports. Failure to bring money or wear the correct uniform will result in the student having to remain at school and complete a sports detention instead.
- Please Note: Weeks 2 & 3, Swim Testing $4.50 or FREE with Fitness Passport or Swimming Pool membership. The Swimming Carnival is covered as part of the School Levy.
Venue & Teachers
Speed Soccer (Colley Park) - Ms McPherson Touch Footy (School)- Mr Beare
Cricket (Colley Park)- Mr Coggan Lawn Bowls- Ms Northam
Year 8
Oz Tag - (SMCC)- Cost: Nil
Tennis - (Casino Tennis Courts) - Cost: $4 per week, includes coach
Volleyball - (SMCC) - Cost: Nil
Fishing - Where: Various destinations around Casino - Cost: Nil
Year 9 & 10
Swimming / Pool Games- (Casino Pool)- Cost: $4.50 per week
Basketball - (Casino Indoor Sports Centre) - Cost: $13 for 8 weeks
Futsal- (Casino Indoor Sports Centre) - Cost: $13 for 8 weeks
Tennis - (Casino Tennis Courts) - Cost: $3 per week
Oz/League Tag - (Colley Park) - Cost: Nil
Volleyball - (SMCC) - Cost: Nil
Gym - (Mercy Centre Gym MCG) - Cost: Nil
School Sport - (Colley Park & SMCC) - Cost: Nil
To check upcoming CCC events and registrations please click Catholic Sport NSW and follow the below instructions.
Sport Search (½ way down page) → Step 1 (click on CCC) → Step 2 (select sport).
Here you can also see the Registration & Calendar details.
Craig Beare
Sports Coordinator
We are looking for volunteers to assist in the Canteen. Please contact the Canteen via the College office if you are available at any time to help.
Flexischools is a well-established organisation allowing you to easily place all your canteen orders online at any time.
Download the Flexischools app from the App store or Google Play. Click here for details on how to set up your account.
Once registered, you can start placing orders immediately.
Please note that sushi orders will need to be placed before Tuesday afternoon at 1pm as Sushi will only be available for Wednesday orders.
There is a charge of $0.29 per order for using this service.
If you have any questions, please contact the Flexischools Customer Service Team via their website contact page.
The normal process of ordering from the canteen (cash, eftpos, morning lunch orders) is still available.
Uniform Shop
Uniform Shop Opening Hours
Tuesdays 3.00pm to 4.15pm
Thursdays 1.30pm to 4.15pm
The Uniform Shop service is a cashless service. Methods of payment are by EFTPOS or online ordering via Flexischools. No fees are charged to families for using the Flexischools service.
Please note the following information for orders made via this service:
Tuesday Orders
- Cut off time is 12 noon on Monday
- Pick up available from the College office on Tuesday afternoon from 3.30pm - 4.15.00pm
Thursday Orders
- Cut off time is 12 noon on Wednesday
- Pick up available from the College office on Thursday afternoon from 3.30pm - 4.15pm.
Orders not collected will be given to the student to take home.
Whilst all care will be taken to ensure that stock availability is correct at the time of ordering, there may be some items that are not in stock at the time of packing the online orders. In this case, you will be contacted to advise of an estimated time of arrival for new stock of that item or given the option of a refund processed through Flexischools.
All uniform shop order enquiries can be emailed to:
Second Hand Uniforms
Sustainable School Shop is an online shop dedicated to buying and selling of second hand uniforms. For more information ring 1300683337 or visit
Please note that this facility is available for use with the new College uniforms only.