Newsletter - T4W4 - 29/10/21
From the Principal
Upcoming Dates
Parish Mass Times
From the Assistant Principal - Learning & Teaching
From the Assistant Principal - Mission
From the Leader of Pedagogy
From the Leaders of VET, Careers and Resources
Leader of Welfare
Literacy Coach
SMCC Ministry Corner
Thank you - Fuji Xerox
Uniform Shop
From the Principal

Today, we have celebrated ‘World Teachers’ Day’ – an international celebration of the contribution which teachers make to the world around them. Having now been teaching for more than 25 years, I think that I can say with some authority that working with young people in fostering a love of learning, is a most rewarding and worthwhile vocation. This is particularly so at St Mary’s where we witness the selfless dedication of our teachers on a daily basis. We can indeed be very proud of the work our teachers do here at St Mary’s and on behalf of Fr Slack EG and all members of our community, I thank them most sincerely.
Last week we were able to have our new College leaders inducted into their respective roles for the 2022 school year. As I did last year, I challenged our new leaders to be ‘servant leaders’. This is, in my mind, the most important type of leadership which is all about others, not about yourself. I would like to share a portion of the speech that I made on this occasion:
“our core value is servant leadership. Servant leadership is moral leadership that finds the potential for GOOD in people and processes, and that has the courage, creativity and compassion to develop that potential in ways that have integrity—for you, for your community, and for the future.
In our community, Jesus is integral in all aspects of our lives. Because of this we embrace leadership that is inclusive, loving and accepting. As the Gospel of Mark tells us, “Whoever wants to be first must be servant of all.” We look towards leadership that is grounded in the inherent goodness and dignity of each one of us, that does our utmost not to harm others through our speech or through our actions, and yet has the courage to speak and act.
I challenge our new leadership team for 2022 to embrace these words and challenge you all to live up to the ideals of true servant leadership - not only be leaders, but to serve as well. You won’t have all the answers. But we are hopeful that you will all be formed as the unleashers of a spirit of leadership; a spirit that invites others to contribute their gifts and talents in order to find new ways; so that, together, we all share the responsibility to dream dreams and turn them into reality.”
To our outgoing leadership team: Thank you for your leadership during 2021. Remember the past 6 years for what you have been able to do and achieve, not for what you haven’t. You have the best wishes of the College community with each of you, and indeed, the entire Year 12 cohort.
We wish our Senior students (including our Year 11 ‘Compressed’ students) all the very best for their upcoming HSC examinations which are starting in Week 6. I hope that all the effort that has been put in by our students is rewarded by achievement of the marks that they deserve. The HSC rewards effort, and I believe that students who have worked hard will certainly reap the rewards.
Tracy Robinson
Upcoming Dates
Week 5
Wednesday, 3 November - Year 7 vaccination (Dose 2 HPV)
Week 6
Tuesday, 9 November - HSC begins
Parish Mass Times
6pm (Sat) & 8am (Sun)
Next Week Vigil 6.00pm
Monday 9.00am
Tuesday 8.00am
Wednesday 8.00am
Thursday 9.00am
Friday 9.00am
Saturday 9.00am
Saturday 8.30am - 9.00am
Churches in our parish are now open in accordance with health orders.
This means that both vaccinated and unvaccinated are permitted in the church buildings.
In regard to funerals, the present health regulations are:
(a) up to 100 if all are fully vaccinated;
(b) only 10 if there are one or more not fully vaccinated.
Arrangements are made through the Funeral Director.
For further information, please contact
4 Square Mtr Rule
Please sit in allocated seats 2 per pew
Masks are obligatory
Please sign or use the QR Code
From the Assistant Principal - Learning & Teaching

There appears to be a pattern emerging in some students where they are turning up later and later to school - often to avoid uniform detentions as they are out of uniform. The first bell rings at 8.45am for students to move to Homeroom with Homeroom beginning at 8.50am. It is expected that students will be on the school premises before the first bell so they can make it to the Homeroom on time. This is especially relevant for students catching a bus to school. Buses get to school in time for the first bell and so students are expected to make it to Homeroom. Over the next few weeks, Stage Coordinators will be outside the front office to assist late students get masks and show notes if they are not in uniform. Our uniform policy and procedures apply to all students equally and we are endeavouring to make sure that all students are wearing the right uniform when they arrive at school.
A reminder that the College has uniforms available from the Uniform Shop if items have been damaged or have gone missing. There are also a lot of items placed in lost property each day for students to check. The College has a specific hat that needs to be worn. A hat can be loaned from my office or the College office for students that have forgotten to bring their own.
Due to current Level 3 restrictions, the Uniform Shop is operating via Flexischools. Please place any orders online via the Flexischools app or the Flexischools website. The College front office stocks a supply of hats, socks, ties and stockings that can be purchased at any time. If you have an urgent uniform request, please don't hesitate to contact the College office.
If girls are not happy wearing the school skirt, there are skorts available. Try on stock is available in Uniform Shop but any orders will need to be placed as a special order as the skorts are not in stock. Girls long pants are also an option and may be worn all year round.
A reminder to both parents and students that THURSDAY is sports day. This is the only day that students should be wearing the sports uniform without a note. Wearing the sport uniform on the wrong day without a note is not an option students should be taking.
Nadine Connolly
Assistant Principal - Learning & Teaching
From the Assistant Principal - Mission

Farewell Year 12
This week we farewelled our Year 12 students from the College. Completing 13 years of schooling is a milestone to be celebrated. Unfortunately, due to current covid circumstances, we were unable to celebrate in the usual way. However, we wish all our students all the best for whatever their future holds and we look forward to hearing about their future successes.
Senior Student Exams
Congratulations to our Senior Students who have made it to the end of a very challenging year of study. We wish them all the best as they leave us this week in preparation for their final exams. Our Year 11 students will return later this term to begin their final year of schooling.
The College wishes to remind families of the expectations around the wearing of our uniform. We encourage all students to wear the uniform with pride as they represent themselves, their families and the College. Please be mindful of excess jewelry and checking haircuts as we move towards the end of the year.
Vinnies Christmas Appeal
This year, as always, we are building Christmas Hampers to share with our community in Casino. Students will be asked to contribute in Homerooms over the coming weeks and they will need to be finalised in Week 10. Please see the list of desired items in the image included. Also, we would like to contribute some money from each homeroom to providing a gift voucher from one of our local butchers to include in the hampers.
Clare Axman
Assistant Principal - Mission
From the Leader of Pedagogy

Blended Learning - Student Reflection
Today marks only three weeks of being back in the classroom, face-to-face with our students. And what a welcome return it has been. As a College community, it was important that we sought the students’ feedback on their blended learning experience - both for them to take the time to reflect on the massive shift in their life and learning, and also for us to consider our students’ needs and feedback. Over 218 of our Year 7-10 students responded to the survey.
Here is a snapshot of their feedback:
89% of students indicated that the instructions for their classwork were clear.
The strategies that students identified supported them most in blended learning: posting the work on Google Classroom in the morning, Videos and Zoom.
The best way students received feedback on their learning was via Google Classroom comments, email and Zoom.
What were your successes in blended learning?
- Getting my work done, I submitted all my work with effort put into it.
- Science went really well. Got 96% for my Science test.
- Working at my own pace.
- I managed to keep on top of most of my work.
- I got to spend more family time with my family.
What were your challenges in blended learning?
- I couldn't focus and it took me all day to do like every subject.
- Trying the hard things.
- Not having the teacher there to explain.
- Go such a long time without seeing my friends.
- Getting into a routine.
- Keeping motivated to do the work and not get distracted.
- Trying to mix work with my little brother.
- Being tempted with sleep-ins and netflix.
- Getting to zooms on time.
What did you discover about yourself as a learner?
- How l could solve a problem and find a way to do it how l wanted to do it.
- I found out that I can’t stay focused for more than 10 minutes.
- I discovered that I’m lazy and won’t do the work unless someone makes me.
- That I can be independent.
- I used google and youtube a lot to help me, especially with math, and I was able to finish all of my work within my own time.
- I learnt that if I really get stuck into my work I can get a lot done.
- I got help from my parents most of the time and I finished all my work by 1:00 usually.
- I can ask for lots of help.
- That I was able to plan out my days and have a sense of time. Being productive.
- That being in school is better.
Thank you to all parents for your support and overwhelmingly positive feedback during this challenging time for our students. The transition back to school has been a tricky time for our students also, but our staff are so happy to have them back in the ‘real’ classroom.
Dana Barnsley
Leader of Pedagogy
From the Leaders of VET, Careers and Resources

In reviewing the Year 12 list for 2021, it is encouraging to see the number of students who are ready to put their planning into place. Some are moving into work, others apprenticeships and others to University. I would like to congratulate all students who have already received Early Entry to University and those who have organised apprenticeships for themselves and have applied for traineeships. I would also like to remind students that some Universities are yet to make offers and if made, it is important to check if these offers are ‘conditional’, meaning students would still need to obtain a particular ATAR for entry.
Some students may receive more than one offer to a course at University. If this is the case, and they are undecided, it is recommended that students accept all offers. Once they have decided on their best option based on factors such as; accommodation, scholarships, course opportunities, then they can politely decline offers they no longer require. Also, many students in past years have commenced courses and then transferred to others as part of the learning where they feel the ‘best fit’ moving forward. For students looking at TAFE, courses for 2022 will open soon, so please watch the TAFE website.
Term 4 is often a busy time for School-based Traineeships. I would like to congratulate Lahkisha Walker on her success in obtaining a School-Based Traineeship with the ANZ bank. School Based Traineeships allow students to build a range of work skills which can often transition to other forms of employment on completion.
Bev Champion
Leader of VET, Careers and Resources
Leader of Welfare

Safe on Social Warning
Safe on Social have been in touch with us with a warning for teachers and parents about the “SQUID GAME” which has recently become a concern. The SQUID GAME is a Korean series airing on Netflix. For some schools, it is being accessed by students on their devices in the school playground as well as at home.
Parents should know that the level of violence is highly intense in the Squid Game including sexual violence and gambling. They advise that it is not suitable for young teens and primary school-age children. For more information please visit:
Free Headspace Parent Sessions
Headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation is hosting mental health education sessions for Parents, Carers and Community Members supporting young people in communities across NSW.
These sessions aim to:
- Strengthen understandings of mental health and the warning signs for suicide and self-harm.
- Strengthen understanding and skills in coping, and help-seeking.
- Build awareness of local services and pathways to community supports.
- Assist families and young people identify the appropriate escalation pathways based on personal needs.
- Build relationships between Local Area Mental Health services, Department of Education, local schools, community organisations, headspace centres, and headspace National Services.
The final session is: Communicating with young people Date: 22 November 2021 Time: 6 – 7:15pm AEDT Location: Online webinar Registration:
Michele McCaffery
Leader of Welfare
Literacy Coach

This fortnight I would like to take a detour from helpful literacy tips and tell you about the exciting writing opportunity we are offering all staff and students to be able to put our Literacy Focus into action.
We announced this week that the College is hosting a ‘Reflective Writing Challenge’. We are asking the College community (staff and students) to reflect on the year that is 2021. 2021 has been a very dynamic year and presented each of us with the opportunity to learn something about ourselves, either personally and/or academically. We are asking that staff and students write about what they believe is the most important learning experience for them in 2021 and share this with the rest of the College community.
I invite you at home to encourage your student/s to take up this opportunity to share their learning experiences through writing. There are gift vouchers and House points available to the three place getters in each stage. Full details have been posted on each of the College’s House Google Classrooms and I have included them here also.
Kelly Winters
Literacy Coach
SMCC Ministry Corner
We finally have some good news again with a bunch of ministry events and initiatives happening in Term 4. Have a read about what we’ve got going on at the College.
Catch the Wave - Year 8
Catch the Wave is a short experience for Year 8 students to build their knowledge of ministry at SMCC and the wider Diocese. Year 8 students will participate in this program facilitated by the YMO’s and Ms Day as well as assistance from some Year 9 and 10 Ministry students, on Thursday, 4 November during Period 1 and 2. This program will give students an insight into what life could be like being a part of the Ministry class in Years 9 & 10.
SHINE Unplugged - Year 9 & 10 Ministry
The postponed SHINE Conference scheduled for this term has unfortunately been cancelled due to ongoing COVID restrictions and a change in the HSC Exam block. However, with help from the CSO, an experience has been organised called SHINE Unplugged. This year will be the second instalment of the SHINE Unplugged series after we were faced with similar difficulties last year. We are excited to be able to run this long awaited event for our students. Last year the theme was: Called to Greatness and this year we continue to the theme of being called, but we are instead Called to Connection. SHINE Unplugged will be held on Tuesday, 23 November for our Year 9 and 10 Ministry Students and will be run by the YMO’s, Ms Day, Mr Humphreys and Mr Ludwig.
Vinnies Christmas Hampers
We will be collecting donations to make up Christmas Hampers to give to the St Vincent De Paul Society. Students are encouraged to bring in donations of food and/or money based on the option their Homeroom has chosen. This is a brilliant initiative and would encourage all students to give generously in this time for those who are a little bit less fortunate.
Ministry Captains
It is with great pleasure that we can announce 2 new student leadership positions for 2022, Ministry Captains. The Ministry Captains will be 2 Year 11 students who will work closely with the YMO’s, the AP Mission and Leader of School Evangelisation to help promote and strengthen the Ministry side of our College. The Ministry captains will be a part of the College SRC and work closely with the College Captains and Vice Captains. The Ministry captains can nominate with the rest of the SRC at the end of the year and they will be elected by the students in the Year 9 and 10 Ministry Classes.
Youth Group - Lismore
Due to restrictions, we have put a hold on Youth Group at Lismore for the time being. But keep an eye on the Instagram page, @proclaimyouthlismore, for updates because we have something very exciting in the planning process to take place before the end of the year. More information will be out about this soon.
Proclaim Lismore Wildfire
The Lismore Diocese band, Wildfire, have some exciting news to announce. At the beginning of the term they were stoked to announce a brand new EP. This EP is called Storm + Ocean and includes some of their best work yet. One of our personal favourites is Have You Heard which features American/Australian Catholic Hip-Hop artist, Josh Angrisano. Check out the Proclaim Lismore Students Youtube or @proclaimlismorewildfire on Instagram for updates.
This came after they released a brand new single at the end of last term which is a collaboration with Brisbane based Catholic Worship band, Emmanuel Worship, called Into Your Arms.
Some more Wildfire news is that our very own, Theo Scholl will be joining permanent Wildfire member Alex Pereira for a week in November of recording, writing and rehearsing. Theo is very excited about this opportunity to learn more and see how they go about their business. We are looking forward to seeing what comes out of this.
Want more? Check out @proclaimlismorestudents and @proclaimlismorewildfire on Instagram and/or Spotify for some awesome content, music and playlists.
God Bless.
Dan and Theo
Youth Ministry Officers
Thank you - Fuji Xerox

The College would like to sincerely thank Fuji Xerox Business Centre Northern Rivers for their very kind sponsorship which has been put towards the Mercy Scholarships for 2022. We really appreciate the support.
We are looking for volunteers to assist in the Canteen. Please contact the Canteen via the College office if you are available at any time to help.
Flexischools is a well-established organisation allowing you to easily place all your canteen orders online at any time.
Download the Flexischools app from the App store or Google Play. Click here for details on how to set up your account.
Once registered, you can start placing orders immediately.
Please note that sushi orders will need to be placed before Tuesday afternoon at 1pm as Sushi will only be available for Wednesday orders.
There is a charge of $0.29 per order for using this service.
If you have any questions, please contact the Flexischools Customer Service Team via their website contact page.
The normal process of ordering from the canteen (cash, eftpos, morning lunch orders) is still available.

Uniform Shop
Due to the current Level 3 restrictions, the Uniform Shop is operating via the Flexischools service where uniforms can be ordered and purchased online. No fees are charged to families for using this service.
Please note the following information for orders made via this service:
Tuesday Orders
- Cut off time is 12noon on Monday
- Pick up available from the College office on Tuesday afternoon from 3.30pm - 5.00pm
Thursday Orders
- Cut off time is 12noon on Wednesday
- Pick up available from the College office on Thursday afternoon from 3.30pm - 5.00pm.
Orders not collected will be given to the student the following day to take home.
Whilst all care will be taken to ensure that stock availability is correct at the time of ordering, there may be some items that are not in stock at the time of packing the online orders. In this case, you will be contacted to advise of an estimated time of arrival for new stock of that item or given the option of a refund processed through Flexischools.
We have had a number of enquiries from parents of Year 7 (2022) students about purchasing uniforms but unfortunately due to Level 3 restrictions, the College is unable to operate the Uniform Shop as normal. Further communication will be provided via the College app once we are able to have parents onsite and the Uniform Shop can reopen.
All uniform shop order enquiries can be emailed to:
Uniform Shop Opening Hours
Tuesdays 3.15pm to 5.00pm
Thursdays 2.00pm to 5.00pm
Payments of cash, cheque or EFTPOS are welcome.
Second Hand Uniforms
Sustainable School Shop is an online shop dedicated to buying and selling of second hand uniforms. For more information ring 1300683337 or visit
Please note that this facility is available for use with the new College uniforms only.