Newsletter - T3W8 - 3/9/21
From the Principal

I would like to start my Newsletter article today by announcing our School Leadership Team for 2022.

Congratulations to these students. All the applications were genuine and authentic. Each student was able to articulate their vision for the College and were very impressive with their enthusiasm and sincerity. Thank you to all who applied. You all conducted yourselves admirably and should be proud of the fact that you have chosen to be part of this leadership process.
As I write this Newsletter, there is little clarification of what the end of this term, and indeed the beginning of next term will be like. We are truly at the mercy of the decision makers from the NSW government. The College is still waiting for information and direction from Catholic Schools NSW and NESA as to the future direction of education at this unprecedented time in the 2021 school year. All of our students have been adversely impacted by the lockdown and move to Blended Learning - but none more so than our seniors - Year 12 in particular.
I am looking to send information home whenever it becomes available. When we come out of lockdown we will be on Level 3 restrictions, which will include compulsory mask wearing in all classes by all teachers and students, as well as continuing the current restrictions which will relate to no visitors at school - including parents. This will have an impact on Graduation for our Year 12’s which has now been pushed back until next term. All our senior students will be required to come back for at least 3 weeks next term. We would expect graduation to occur at the end of that time period. Changed arrangements for the College formal will be issued as soon as they are known.
During this extraordinary time of uncertainty and as time moves on, please understand that we are thinking of every single one of our students and their families. This is very difficult for everyone, but know that together we will not only get through this, but will be stronger for the experience. My profuse thanks must go to our staff who have rolled with the punches and have worked incredibly hard to deliver educational outcomes to students while they have been at home. The majority of our students have been working hard to complete work, and to hand it in for feedback. Thank you to all the parents who have been on the frontline helping their children cope, and engage with their learning.
I would like to share a prayer for all of us during this time of pandemic. It certainly reminds me of what is important, and what we need to hold onto as we (hopefully) near the end of the lockdown:
May we, who are experiencing the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia and in our small world, and are coming to terms with the new reality, remember the words of Scripture: “Be still and know that I am God”.
May we, who as adults struggling to process what is happening in our world, remember children who are fearful of a reality they cannot comprehend
May we, who complain about the scarcity of commodities, remember those who are working to maintain the supply chain.
May we, who observe the long queues of those seeking support, remember those for whom there is no government assistance or financial aid.
May we, who work to end poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity, remember those living and working in vulnerable communities.
May we, who are working from home, remember those who have no employment or home from which to work.
May we, who have access to medical facilities and services, remember those who do not have basic health care.
May we, who are beginning to experience border closures, remember refugees who cannot return home.
May we give thanks for those who are working to help or bring some kindness, joy or humour to others, showing us that the light of Christ shines.
During this time of isolation, as we close our doors, may we continue to keep our hearts open to our families, friends, local and global communities.
We asked this in the name of Jesus.
(St Therese’s Parish, Essendon)
Tracy Robinson
Parish Mass Times
Our Church buildings are closed until Midnight Friday, 10 September. Mass is found online on our Youtube channel
You can receive our Newsletter by email. Please contact the Parish office to request this option.
From the Assistant Principal - Mission

Student Leadership Elections
In the past two weeks, we have had the opportunity to hear from the students who have nominated themselves to form part of the Student Leadership Team of 2022. Ms Barnsley and I read through 16 applications, conducted interviews for each applicant and had the difficult task of selecting the 8 students who would present College Captains speeches to their year group. All of this happened over zoom, and the elections took place using online voting. The year 11 cohort of students alongside the staff voted for their student leadership team. Congratulations to Jordy & Nic for being selected as the College Captains and Lizzie and Josh for Vice Captains.
This week, students from Years 7-12 had the opportunity to elect their House Captains for Champagnat, dePaul, MacKillop and McAuley Houses. Once again, speeches were presented by zoom and voting took place online. I am pleased to announce Bradon, Sophie, Chelsea and Sam as House Captains for 2022.
Blended Learning
We are now three weeks into our Lockdown and we are all starting to get the hang of Blended Learning. We have now organised a document with all the timings of zoom lessons across the school. We hope this may help families getting organised allow parents a chance to see what is happening in classes. The document was emailed to all parents/guardians earlier this week.
Parent Concerns
If parents have a concern with any aspect of their child’s Blended Learning, please contact the office and they will be happy to work with you and get you in touch with whatever supports are required.
Homeroom Zoom
Students are participating in 2-3 Homeroom zooms each week at 8:45am on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Teachers are using this time as an opportunity for a few games and a little light hearted entertainment. There are House Points up for grabs with correct answers to the games and trivia.
Parish Masses
Our St Mary’s Catholic Parish have a fantastic youtube channel you may be interested in during this time of Lockdown. Father Peter is doing a fantastic job with the videos and live streaming of Mass.
Clare Axman
Assistant Principal - Mission
From the Leaders of VET, Careers and Resources

Yr 12 and University applications
In this challenging time of lockdown, it is easy to lose sight of upcoming due dates for early entry, scholarship and University applications. I do email students and current due dates have been posted in the recent student newsletter now on the Careers website. While most students will have completed their SCU Star early entry, students need to note that this closes on 10 September.
I have been working via zoom with students supporting them with applications. If students would like support with applications, I ask that parents send me a quick email giving permission for a one on one zoom so I can support students with their applications as best I can in this time of lockdown.
VET, National Skills Week and Blended Learning
Last week was National Skills Week and with much information flooding into my inbox, I thought I’d take this time to share some positives in this challenging time of Blended Learning.
One of the key messages that came through in this year’s National Skills Week through Skills Road, is the importance of Soft or Interpersonal skills to all forms of work. Skills Road is an initiative of the Australian Business Chamber, is an excellent website. The other, was the advantages of students studying VET for improvement in employment prospects, as outlined in the recent issue of Education Review.
Soft skills, also known as interpersonal skills, represent the characteristics that help employees thrive in the workplace. I will often hear employers say that they can teach skills but not attitude or ‘soft skills’, highlighting the vital importance of interpersonal skills in the workplace. These skills include; how we interact with people, solve problems and manage our workloads. Some examples would include communication, teamwork, self-management, leadership and adaptability. We have discussed these in our Yr 10 careers classes. Many students are applying and building these skills through their active participation in their Blended Learning. Eg. working through something a student finds challenging, is problem solving.
Skills Road also identified five important Interpersonal skills critical to future success which include;
- communication - active listening, giving and receiving feedback, body language and giving and receiving feedback
- adaptability - responding to change with optimism, working with alternatives, developing ways of solving problems
- time management - planning, goal-setting, prioritising, organising and decision-making
- empathy - understanding others better, being curious and helpful
- self awareness - manage interpersonal relationships
Many students would recognize the development of these skills as they become more responsible for their own learning. So while Blended Learning has its challenges for many, small wins may also be seen as the accrual of transferable skills, which can be added to a resume and skill set.
National Skills week is also a time to look at the value of VET. In his Education Review article, “Experts comment on the opportunities of Vocational Education”, the author Wade Zaglis, commented on the benefits of choosing VET at school. VET subjects in Stage 6 are competency based and provide valuable time in the workplace and gaining soft or interpersonal skills. Studying one Board-endorsed VET subject at HSC level can contribute to a student's ATAR and according to the article, 45% of VET students get an ATAR. The research also indicated that students studying a VET subject were more likely to be in full-time employment 5 years after completing their study and some 20% went on to complete a University qualification.
On that note, I was hoping to pay tribute to a number of our successful School-Based Trainees at an assembly last week, which was cancelled due to lockdown. Having said this though, I do know of school-based opportunities coming up and I do encourage students to have their resume’s ready and highlight some of their newfound skills. We have an excellent resume builder on the Careers Website. I have emailed some possible eligible students of possibilities at this stage and will keep students updated via email as I find out more. Again, please contact me if you have any questions.
Bev Champion
Leader of VET, Careers and Resources
Leader of Welfare
National Child Protection Week
Next week is also National Child Protection Week. 5th - 11th September.
The 2021 National Child Protection Week theme is ‘Every child, in every community, needs a fair go’.
Parent and Carers can join a free eSafety parent guide to online sexual harassment and image-based abuse webinar:
Tuesday 7th September 12.30-1.30pm
Thursday 9th September 12.30 - 1.30pm
To register go to
RUOK Day - 9 September
Do you know how the people in your world are really going?
Life's ups and downs happen to all of us. So chances are someone you know might be struggling. Your genuine support can make a difference whatever they are facing, big or small.
So, don’t wait until someone’s visibly distressed or in crisis. Make a moment meaningful and ask them how they’re really going.
Are they really OK? Ask them today. Your conversation could change a life.
Michele McCaffery
Leader of Welfare
Literacy Coach

In continuing to provide tools to support your student at home in our Literacy Focus areas of:
- Elements of Grammar: such as maintaining correct tense when writing, using a range of sentence structures and phrasing to improve the quality of student’s writing
- Spelling accuracy
- Using punctuation correctly
Here are a few tips to remember:

Good and accurate punctuation is crucial for successful writing. This is particularly important when assessment tasks allocate marks for how well students communicate their work. When students submit assessment tasks, usually one of the ‘Success Criteria’ (marking criteria) that constructs their mark comes from their ability to effectively use correct and accurate punctuation, spelling and grammar. If there are only five success criteria, then one-fifth of their mark comes from their ability to punctuate their work correctly, spell accurately and that their sentences make sense and follow correct grammar rules. Students can gain marks simply by proofreading and editing their work.
We are asking students to take pride in their work and concentrate on getting the little things right.

I will continue to provide tips to support your student at home in these areas in the coming Newsletters. If you have any questions about this work, please do not hesitate to contact the College or Kelly Winters, Literacy Coach by email at
Kelly Winters
Literacy Coach
Student Support Services

Below is a link to a webinar for Read&Write, assistive technology. The literacy support tool Read&Write offers help for everyday tasks. Like reading text out loud, understanding unfamiliar words and proofing written work. With tools that enrich both teaching and learning and help every student realise their full potential.
Introduction to Read&Write for Windows for Parents & Carers on Wednesday, 8 September, 2021 at 3:30pm AEST. Register via:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Kelly Scurr
Leader of Student Support Services
SMCC Ministry Corner
With the lockdown, there’s not much we can do Ministry wise in the College, but here’s an update on upcoming events and some videos and tips to inspire you during the lockdown.
Becoming a YMO Information Session
Any Year 12 Students interested in becoming a YMO for 2022, or who want to learn more about the role, are encouraged to attend the Becoming a YMO Information Session, Zoom meeting, Monday 6 September from 4-5pm.
You can join the Zoom using the meeting ID: 9348 0522 13
IGNITE Conference
The CSO’s group booking for IGNITE Conference has unfortunately been cancelled due to the NSW-QLD Border still being closed and the ever changing situation we are in. We are so disappointed for the group that we had going who will not be able to experience this great Conference but we hope to participate in some way online. Fingers crossed for 2022. The College staff will contact families regarding refunds.
SHINE Conference
The Shine Conference will be presented in a digital format for our students in Term 4. The College staff will contact families regarding refunds.
If you are struggling during the lockdown, here is a short prayer that you can pray throughout the day…
“Jesus, be with me during this time. I welcome you into my heart”
Lismore Youth Group
Stay tuned for some awesome content on instagram from @proclaimlyouthlismore. We have been working hard with the YMOs from Lismore to provide you guys with some great videos and resources for you to binge during the lockdown.
Proclaim Lismore Students Youtube
The Proclaim Lismore Students Youtube page has some brilliant videos that you can view once all the school work is finished. Some of our personal favourites include:
IGNITE Conference Highlights 2019
Justine Cumbo Interview - IGNITE 2019
Gems with Jacinta - SHINE 2019
Proclaim Lismore Wildfire
The Lismore Diocese band, Wildfire, have some exciting news to announce. They have some new music coming out very soon including a collaboration with Emmanuel Worship. Check out the Proclaim Lismore Students Youtube or @proclaimlismorewildfire on Instagram for updates.
Wildfire x Emmanuel Worship - Trailer
Want more? Check out @proclaimlismorestudents and @proclaimlismorewildfire on Instagram and/or Spotify for some awesome content, music and playlists.
Stay safe during this time everyone and we can’t wait to see you all again.
God Bless.
Dan and Theo
Youth Ministry Officers
Reach Out
Quiz: What's your at-home study style
There are lots of different study styles and knowing what is most effective for you can make things a lot easier. It is likely that your teen will have a different study style to you. Please complete this quiz with them to explore what works for them. There are also few tips to help get the most from their study. Take the quiz at:
We are looking for volunteers to assist in the Canteen. Please contact the Canteen via the College office if you are available at any time to help.
Flexischools is a well-established organisation allowing you to easily place all your canteen orders online at any time.
Download the Flexischools app from the App store or Google Play. Click here for details on how to set up your account.
Once registered, you can start placing orders immediately.
Please note that sushi orders will need to be placed before Tuesday afternoon at 1pm as Sushi will only be available for Wednesday orders.
There is a charge of $0.29 per order for using this service.
If you have any questions, please contact the Flexischools Customer Service Team via their website contact page.
The normal process of ordering from the canteen (cash, eftpos, morning lunch orders) is still available.

Uniform Shop
Uniform Shop Opening Hours
Tuesdays 3.15pm to 5.00pm
Thursdays 2.00pm to 5.00pm
Payments of cash, cheque or EFTPOS are welcome.
Second Hand Uniforms
Sustainable School Shop is an online shop dedicated to buying and selling of second hand uniforms. For more information ring 1300683337 or visit
Please note that this facility is available for use with the new College uniforms only.